The Creek Don't Rise

The Creek Don't Rise

"The Creek Don't Rise" is a heartfelt and captivating dramedy set in 1940s Alabama, where a spirited young girl named Jo Barlowe navigates the complexities of faith, family, and self-discovery. In the midst of a strict Pentecostal household and a tumultuous world on the brink of war, Jo dares to question tradition and carve out her own identity.

With sharp humor and emotional resonance, the play explores themes of generational conflict, the weight of societal expectations, and the courage it takes to pursue freedom and authenticity. At its core, it is a story of resilience, love, and the delicate balance between holding on and letting go.

This play invites audiences to laugh, cry, and reflect, leaving them inspired by Jo’s journey to find her place in a world that often demands conformity. 

The Den Theatre and comedy club is pleased to host The Creek Don't Rise on January 23-26, 2025 at 1331 N. Milwaukee Ave. in Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood.

Tickets are currently available at or by calling (773) 697-3830. 


January 23 8:00pm

January 24 8:00pm

January 25 8:00pm

January 26 3:00pm